This is a fan favorite. Great for using left over baked potatoes but quick enough to do after work even if you have to start without the leftovers.
Note: I have since changed up the liquids slightly. Either works, it's a preference thing.

Here we go...
Things you need to gather:
Largish Pot Veggies:
Potatoes (4-5 Russet, Baked Potato size or 7-8 white potato size, left overs work)
Green Onions (scallions) 2 bunches
Nearly One Gallon of...
A combo of 32-48oz of Chicken Broth/Stock and a balance of milk/half & half. This seems to be a great option. (I use lactose free 2% milk usually)
1/2 Pint of Half & Half or cream-optional
The good stuff:
Lots of Shredded Cheddar or a mix of cheese to your liking. I usually use 2 bags /4 cups. I like a combo of Sharp Cheddar and a Mexican Cheese Mix. (If going lactose light, shred Cabot's block cheese. The Cabot brand makes most of their cheese lactose free) **Take out of fridge early so it isn’t too cold.
Butter (and only butter) 1/2 -1 stick
Pound of bacon (I use low sodium) Panty items:
Salt and Pepper to taste
Flour 1/4 cup or so.
Time to make soup!
Wash and prick potatoes and cook in microwave until they are soft. (8-10 minutes depending on size and number
While they are baking, chop the green onions (I don’t use all the green tops, just mostly the oniony parts).
In the pot place 1/2 stick of butter and melt. Sautee onions until translucent. You can add salt and pepper here or later.
If there is not much liquid butter left add the other 1/2 stick and melt.
Add 2-3 heaping Tablespoons or 1/4 C of flour to the onions and stir constantly (we're making roux!) . It will get really thick and look like you did it wrong. It’s ok.
Once it has cooked for about 3 minutes add some of your liquid of choice and whisk to incorporate the roux, than add rest of liquids, whisk well. I usually use nearly the full gallon, it depends on the size of the pot. It should be about 2/3 full. Cook on low-med heat stir pretty often. Be mindful you don't scorch the bottom of the pot especially if you use all milk. Your soup will taste like an ashtray and your family will be nice about it at the time, but tease you endlessly for years to come. Anyway...
While waiting, cook bacon. Pro-tip here: Use scissors to cut into pieces first, it cooks faster. If you don't have kitchen shears (go order them while your soup cooks) or use CLEAN scissors. If you want smaller pieces, chop it a little more once cooked.
Once the soup thickens a little (it won’t thicken a lot yet) at this point you can probably turn off heat or at least turn WAY down. You DO NOT WANT IT TO BOIL...EVER. Add one bag of cheese. (Pro Tip 2 here: not right from the fridge, hopefully you took it out when I told you in the beginning) and stir. If your soup is too hot and your cheese too cold, it will separate. It will taste fine, just looks less fabulous.
Take the potatoes and either scoop out the insides or peel and chunk. THEY WILL BE VERY HOT, expect to swear like a sailor. Great time to get those sous chefs to help. Add to soup. Taste and add salt and pepper as you like.
At this point if you are impatient, grab a bowl and eat. If you can manage to wait 10-15 minutes the soup will thicken a little more and the potatoes will absorb the broth. Either way it’s yummy.
Garnish with bacon, more cheese and if you are one of those sour cream people, have at it. Refrigerate leftovers with the rest of the bacon and cheese thrown in.
The magic of soup is to make something comforting from almost nothing. Have fun, taste as you go, don't be scared, it's just soup...and there is always take out.
Note: This is a great base soup. If you want a different spin, use less potatoes and add diced chicken (left over alert) and some corn. Spice it up with a few dashes of hot sauce if that's your thing. I also add some Tarragon or Thyme if making chicken corn chowder. Use the herbs that make you feel all warm and fuzzy.